WADF 0.13.6 released

February 20th, 2012

Today a new version of WADF, 0.13.16 was released, the first for some time. It’s a round-up of a few small features and bugs, some of which have been checked in to SVN for a while. Here’s a quick summary:

For more info, check the WADF v0.13.16 changelog.

Adding some RHEL6 desktop tools to EPEL

November 22nd, 2011

Since I’m currently using RHEL6 on one machine as a desktop OS, I’ve been missing a few tools, which I’m working through submitting to EPEL. I’ve already submitted nautilus-image-converter (to allow fast resizing of images via GNOME context menu) and unison227 (great file synchronisation tool – a bit like Drop Box but you can keep it on your own servers). Last week I pushed a couple more useful tools to the testing repository:

  • Rapid SVN – nice little GUI for SVN
  • rpl – quick-and-easy command line search-and-replace